Évènements à venir News Upcoming Event

Chandeleur 2025

Cooking workshop :

To celebrate the French tradition of chandeleur, we’re organizing a crepe workshop !
Free entrance

  • 15th of February
  • 3pm – 5:o0pm
  • Valletta Design Cluster
    25 Bull Street, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1570. Map

You will have the unique opportunity to taste a sweet and savoury crêpe with a drink included.

Come spend a delicious and friendly afternoon with us !

On the program :

  • Discover of French Brittany culture with quizz
  • Create and flip your sweet and savoury crepes
  • Eat your own creation
Évènements à venir FRENCH_News News Upcoming Event

Micro Folie –  Kisses in art

Micro Folie. Conference

Special valentine’s day edition

What are the most famous kisses in the history of art? A universal and iconic subject, representing love, passion, or even deep cultural symbols, the kiss transcends time and continues to fascinate art lovers around the world.

  • Friday, 14 d February
  • 5 : 00 pm – 6 : 00 pm
  • AF – Micro Folie space

Klimt, Munch, Rodin, Doisneau… Many artists have immortalized the kiss in their works.

This conference, presented with the Micro-Folie program, revisits 8 iconic kisses !

Cinema program Évènements à venir News Upcoming Event

Le Règne Animal

Cine club 

Le Règne Animal

  • Thursday, 20th February
  • 5:00 PM 
  • French with English subtitles. 
  • For ages 10 and up

AF – Micro Folie space

Free for members /
€5 for non-members

Abstract :

In a world plagued by a wave of mutations that gradually transform some humans into animals, François does everything he can to save his wife, who has been struck by this mysterious affliction. As the region becomes populated by creatures of a new kind, he takes Émile, their 16-year-old son, on a quest that will forever change their lives.

Rewards :

César 2023

  • Best costume design
  • Best sound
  • Best original music
  • Best photography
  • Best visual effects
Évènements à venir News Upcoming Event

Carnaval 2025

Create your own mask

Craft activity

The Carnival of Malta is fast approaching ! To celebrate this great event on the island, we invite you to create your own mask with feathers, sequins, colors… think big.

Come express your creativity !

  • Thursday, 27d February
  • 4pm – 6:o0pm
  • Alliance Française Malte-Méditerranée

Afterward, send us your best photos of your costume in the festive streets of Valletta !

Évènements précédents Upcoming Event


Ethical Challengers of AI


Young or old, simple ChatGPT users or IT experts, we are facing the dawn of a new era, that of talking machines. The new chatbots fascinate us. What knowledge do they possess? What technologies are operating in their depths? Should we trust an artificial intelligence system?

🗓 Date : Monday, 3rd February
🕤 Time :  6:00 pm 
📍Catholic Institute, St. Publius Street, Floriana. Map

Free but reservation is required.
Reserve your spot

Jean Gové shall discuss some of the entirely new challenges posed by AI, including the risks of artificial manipulation and moral deskilling.
Yentl Spiteri will present her insight and experience using AI as a creative practitioner and founder of a creative hub.

Yentl Spiteri, simple ChatGPT users or IT experts, we are facing the dawn of a new era, that of talking machines. The new chatbots fascinate us. What knowledge do they possess? What technologies are operating in their depths? Should we trust an artificial intelligence system?

Alexei Grinbaum will decipher the new era of these new talking machines which are challenging the monopoly that humans have on linguistic expression.

His book “Parole de machines” (2023) is available at our library!

Alexei Grinbaum is senior research scientist at CEA-Saclay with a background in quantum information theory. He writes on ethical questions of emerging technologies, including robotics and AI. Grinbaum is the chair of the CEA Operational Ethics Committee for Digital Technologies and former member of the French National Digital Ethics Committee (CNPEN). He coordinates and contributes to several Horizon projects and serves as ethics expert to the European Commission. 

Évènements précédents Uncategorized Upcoming Event

VR – Mona Lisa

Micro Folie. Virtual reality experience

  • Saturday, January 25th,
  • From 12 pm to 2 pm
Évènements à venir News Upcoming Event

Sport Friendly Project

Sport Friendly Project


Emilien Buffard / @emilien_buffard

 Photographic exhibition 

Opening: 24/01/2025 11 am
Library of University of Malta

An international, collaborative artistic experience
@emmabd_visuals, supported by @if_officiel, and labeled #OlympicCulture by @paris2024.

Exposition photographique

University of Malta – Library

“Sport Friendly”

Valletta Volunteer Center

10 SEPTEMBER 19:00
Emilien Buffard
Moussa Hamoud 

Sport Friendly – Project

“Sport Friendly: the field of diversity!”

The project is intended to be a starting point for social commitment to tackling the problem of discrimination and violence in sport.

An international photographic production to promote INCLUSIVE SPORT, spotlighting inclusive sports teams from around the world that seek to redefine the classic values of sport, affirming that regardless of sexual orientation or identity, gender or physical or social condition, there is a place for everyone.

Teams working for change and inclusion, in sport and in society.

Sport Friendly – Talk

🎉 🌍🏳️‍🌈 In celebration of the Paris Olympic Games and Pride in Malta, the Alliance Française of Malta and the French Embassy are delighted to welcome the exhibition “Sport Friendly: The Field of Diversity »!

Before the launch in October, a panel discussion will be held on 10th of October at 7pm :
” Sports Friendly- the Field of Diversity | LGBTQI+ rights in Malta”.

After a presentation of the “Sports Friendly” exhibition, we will discuss the representation of the LGBT community in Malta, as well as the importance of role models, the necessity (or not) of labels, and their place in art, culture, and society.

Émilien Buffard – Founder of the “Sports Friendly” project
Moussa Hamoud – Allied Rainbow Communities 

🎟 Free entrance

Évènements précédents Upcoming Event


Yoga class

  • Saturday 25th of January
  • From 11:oo am to 12:00 pm
  • Yoga Vinyasa – All levels
  • €10 Af members / €12,5 General price

Salut les Yogis

Je m’appelle Olivia, je suis française et je vis à Malte depuis 2013. C’est à partir de ce moment-là que j’ai commencé mon parcours de yoga et après quelques années de pratique, j’ai décidé de certifier mes études de yoga. Mon style d’enseignement du yoga est le Yoga Vinyasa, qui est un style de yoga caractérisé par l’enchaînement de postures afin que vous passiez de l’une à l’autre, de manière fluide, en utilisant la respiration. 

Je donnerai le samedi 25 janvier à 11h un cours de Yoga Vinyasa accessible à tous. À bientôt sur le tapis ! Namaste, Olivia

Bien cordialement 


Évènements précédents Uncategorized Upcoming Event

L’heure du conte

L’heure du conte :

Join us at The Alliance Française for a story time in French with Halle and Garance!.

The program includes the reading of a surprise French tale to get you dreaming, followed by the tasting of the Galette des rois!

  • Thursday 30th January 15h-16h
  • From 5 years old
  • Free entry for members
News Upcoming Event

La Galette des Rois

Staple of Epiphany festivities in France!

Come and meet the Alliance Française team at a convivial tasting of Galette des Rois!
Free entrance

  • Thursday 30th January
  • 4pm – 5:30pm
  • Alliance Française

Discover the delights of this cultural experience : which of you will get the famous « fève » and be crowned?

We encourage children to come dressed as kings and queens, princes and princesses!

Join us at The Alliance Française for a story time in French with Halle and Garance! The program includes the reading of a surprise French tale to get you dreaming.