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Ethical Challengers of AI


Young or old, simple ChatGPT users or IT experts, we are facing the dawn of a new era, that of talking machines. The new chatbots fascinate us. What knowledge do they possess? What technologies are operating in their depths? Should we trust an artificial intelligence system?

🗓 Date : Monday, 3rd February
🕤 Time :  6:00 pm 
📍Catholic Institute, St. Publius Street, Floriana. Map

Free but reservation is required.
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Jean Gové shall discuss some of the entirely new challenges posed by AI, including the risks of artificial manipulation and moral deskilling.
Yentl Spiteri will present her insight and experience using AI as a creative practitioner and founder of a creative hub.

Yentl Spiteri, simple ChatGPT users or IT experts, we are facing the dawn of a new era, that of talking machines. The new chatbots fascinate us. What knowledge do they possess? What technologies are operating in their depths? Should we trust an artificial intelligence system?

Alexei Grinbaum will decipher the new era of these new talking machines which are challenging the monopoly that humans have on linguistic expression.

His book “Parole de machines” (2023) is available at our library!

Alexei Grinbaum is senior research scientist at CEA-Saclay with a background in quantum information theory. He writes on ethical questions of emerging technologies, including robotics and AI. Grinbaum is the chair of the CEA Operational Ethics Committee for Digital Technologies and former member of the French National Digital Ethics Committee (CNPEN). He coordinates and contributes to several Horizon projects and serves as ethics expert to the European Commission.