Business French Forum

The Opportunities Forum is a meeting place for the Alliances Françaises, students, professionals and companies from the Mediterranean basin, with the aim of promoting French as a language of opportunities on the job market.

The Forum
22-26 March 2024
This forum, which is free to attend, will take place online or presencial, in Valetta Design Kluster. It will host companies presenting their sectors of activity through workshops and conferences.
There will be also cultural events like theatre show and cinema.
The Forum
ThIS edition will be organiSED and hosted by AllianCe FrançaisE OF MaltE – MediterranÉE
French training Learning French with theatrical techniques

Workshop Development and partnership opportunities in French-speaking countries. Guests: Business France & M&E Partners

In the forum you can also enjoy cultural events
The Business French Kits

Containing 6 hours of Business French lesson and other extra activities. Prepared by 8 Alliances Françaises of the Mediterranean Basin.
1) Workshop
6h – 3 Sessions
Once a week
2) Webinar
On line
Canal YouTube
3) Article
Special price for students of the “Alliance Française” !
Students AF
Special price for students or members of the “Alliance Française”
General price