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Sport Friendly Project

Sport Friendly Project


Emilien Buffard / @emilien_buffard

The field of diversity ! 

An international, collaborative artistic experience
@emmabd_visuals, supported by @if_officiel, and labeled #OlympicCulture by @paris2024.

“Sport Friendly”

Valletta Volunteer Center

10 SEPTEMBER 19:00
Emilien Buffard
Moussa Hamoud 

Exposition photographique

University of Malta


Sport Friendly – Talk

🎉 🌍🏳️‍🌈 In celebration of the Paris Olympic Games and Pride in Malta, the Alliance Française of Malta and the French Embassy are delighted to welcome the exhibition “Sport Friendly: The Field of Diversity »!

Before the launch in October, a panel discussion will be held on 10th of October at 7pm :
” Sports Friendly- the Field of Diversity | LGBTQI+ rights in Malta”.

After a presentation of the “Sports Friendly” exhibition, we will discuss the representation of the LGBT community in Malta, as well as the importance of role models, the necessity (or not) of labels, and their place in art, culture, and society.

Émilien Buffard – Founder of the “Sports Friendly” project
Moussa Hamoud – Allied Rainbow Communities 

🎟 Free entrance

Sport Friendly – Project

“Sport Friendly: the field of diversity!” is intended to be a starting point for social commitment to tackling the problem of discrimination and violence in sport. An international photographic production to promote INCLUSIVE SPORT, spotlighting inclusive sports teams from around the world that seek to redefine the classic values of sport, affirming that regardless of sexual orientation or identity, gender or physical or social condition, there is a place for everyone. Teams working for change and inclusion, in sport and in society.

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