Fall/Winter Course B2.1


Modality :  Face to Face OR Online 2h30 /week

· Face to Face :  Mondays  6:00 to 8:30 pm 

· Online : Wednesdays 6:00 to 8:30 pm 

Start date : September 30th for 16 weeks

Price : Members = 395 euros / Non-members = 430 euros 

Textbook : Alter Ego 4 (€52) 


SKU: N/A Category: Tag:


One lesson per week, online or face-to-face.

In this intermediate course, you will be studying Dossier 1, 2 and 3 of the Alter Ego 4 textbook.

Throughout the course, you’ll explore a diverse array of subjects and topics, including :

· Reflecting on the past

· Expressing one’s identity

· Introducing oneself in a blog section

· Discussing one’s life journey

· Sharing opinions on adoption

· Analyzing the role of identity imagery in interpersonal relationships

· Offering perspectives on national stereotypes and the sense of national belonging

· Exploring information on medication treatments

· Describing symptoms of an illness

· Debating the influence of the mind on the body

· Expressing feelings, doubts, certainties, and judgments

· Comparing beauty standards across countries

· Providing viewpoints on sports competition and doping

· Reporting on the various reasons for migration

· Commenting on migratory movements

· Obtaining information on administrative procedures

· Drafting administrative correspondence

· Comparing migratory dynamics related to work and tourism

· Expressing opinions on the free movement of people

· Debating the organization of a national referendum


In accordance with these topics you will study these key grammatical points, among others: l’imparfait, le passé composé, le plus-que-parfait, l’accord du participe passé, les conjonctions de temps (simultanéité, antériorité, postériorité), le subjonctif dans l’expression des sentiments et du jugement, les verbes d’opinion et le subjonctif, le subjonctif et l’infinitif présent et passé, les articulateurs logiques (cause, but, conséquence)

If you are not yet a Member, select the “Become a member” option, and subscribe for either
Individual Membership (€20/year) or Family Membership (€25/year). Once you are member, you have access to our library and discounts for our events. 

For more information and special discounts, contact [email protected] or click here. 


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Face to Face, Online