French for 50+


Modality : Face to Face 2h00 /week

On Mondays 3:30 to 5:30 pm

Timeline : November 4th until March 31st for 20 courses

Price : Members = 395 euros / Non-members = 430 euros 

This beginner friendly French course for seniors is specially designed for those who are eager to learn at their own pace.

The aim of the course is to enhance your French language skills while providing a stress-free environment where you can confidently practice speaking and understanding French.



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If you are not yet a Member, select the “Become a member” option, and subscribe for either Individual Membership (€20/year) or Family Membership (€25/year). Once you are member, you have access to our library and discounts for our events. 

For more information and special discounts, contact [email protected] or click here. 


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