Zénobie, Reine de Palmyre
Public lecture in French
Wifek Aouinet will give a public lecture in French on ‘Zénobie, Reine de Palmyre, Figure politique de l’Antiquité’.
Palmyra, a palm grove that lived to the rhythm of the caravans but also served as a marching post for the Roman Empire in its fight against the Persians, reached its apogee under the reign of Zenobia. Conqueror of Arabia and Egypt in the name of the Levantine god Baal, but wanting to make her son a Roman emperor, Zenobia was a key political figure on both sides of the Mediterranean in the 3rd century AD. Wifek Aouinet will tell us her story and the different facets of her legend that she left behind in the West and the East.
Wifek Aouinet has a doctorate in classical philology and was formerly a classics teacher in Strasbourg. She is now Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) in Malta, where she teaches French as a foreign language (FLE). She also works as a cultural mediator for the UNHCR.